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The Importance of Date Nights

The Importance of Date Nights

The Importance of Date Nights

When a relationship or marriage is just starting out, it’s easy to set aside time for special nights out; perhaps you’re in the ‘honeymoon phase’ and every night is date night.

Unfortunately, once your careers become more intense, or children enter the picture, date nights become less of a priority.

Before long, couples may find their relationship getting stale, or lacking in the romance department. Frankly, both parties are probably feeling the effects of the rut that they’re stuck in.

A date night could be just what the doctor ordered.

If done correctly, they may be the cure that brings romance back into the relationship!

When life becomes crazy busy, making an intentional effort to schedule time with your significant other is more important than ever.

Let’s discuss some of the reasons why special nights with your special person are so important.

What are Date Nights?

Date nights are planned evenings where couples can relax and enjoy the company of one another, possibly accompanied by an event or change of location, like dinner at a restaurant.

You and your significant other LOVE Star Wars? Date night could be pizza and binging the movies.

Have a favorite (maybe even fancy) restaurant that you both love going to? Sounds like the perfect place for a date night!

The beauty of date nights is that they can take any form, as long as the people actually on the date are enjoying themselves, and their partner!

Why date nights are important

There are countless benefits to having a planned date night. And most likely, every couple will have their own reasons, and versions, of date night.

To name a few:

Reduces stress

Regularly planned date nights can help you reconnect with your partner, and allow for some much needed relaxation. Let’s be honest, life gets chaotic sometimes. Dedicating the time to talking and being around each other can help get your mind off the stresses of everyday life, and put what matters back in to perspective.

Special time set aside with your partner also creates a safe space to talk about important topics, and a chance for each partner to speak honestly, knowing that their partner is giving them 100% of their attention.

Increases intimacy

Date nights don’t just reduce stress, they also increase intimacy.

As life becomes more hectic, making time for intimacy with your partner can be a challenge; especially if kids are in the picture.

Date nights are the perfect opportunity for adding a bit of spark back into the relationship. While planned times for intimacy may not sound too sexy on paper, the fact is that romantic nights with your partner are often just what’s needed. And with busy schedules, some things just won’t happen unless they’re planned in advance!

Making an intentional effort to stoke the flames of the fire that got the two of you together can help the fireworks fly like they used to. Date nights can remind you about when you two first began dating each other.

If the spark has been gone for a while, romantic plans with your partner may remind you fell in love in the first place; and lay the foundation for reigniting the passion you two once shared.

Strengthens relationships

In a simple and concise way: date nights strengthen relationships.

Spending time together might give you the breathing space you need, away from the stress of daily life. Consistent date nights allow for more communication and intimacy, both of which strengthen the relationship between you.

It can help the two of you come closer together and find the strength in each other to overcome, current and future challenges. The two of you will be more of a team. And the open communication will allow for any important discussions, before they become arguments later on.

How Often Should You Go on Date Nights?

It depends!

A couple nights a month may be ideal for one couple, whereas once a week may be preferred by another.

Ask yourself what you need, and discuss it with you partner to find something that works for the both of you. Figuring out a time and schedule means you can also plan for any hurdles, such as planning for a babysitter, or making a reservation somewhere.

How often should parents go on date nights?

Sometimes parents need a break.

And boy, do they certainly deserve one.

Parents might be the best multitaskers out there. Balancing work, kids, maintaining a social life and still trying to get 8 hours a sleep a night is almost an impossible task.

A date night is the perfect way for parents to relax and recharge their batteries, at least for a night. It could be going to a restaurant just the two of you, or something more lavish like renting a hotel room and ordering room service, there are many ways that parents can make time for themselves.

If money is tight, then even just having a night in and dropping the kids off somewhere else (grandparents are perfect for this) can make for a great date night. It doesn’t have to be fancy, it just has to be fun and relaxing.

As long as a date night is planned, that’s the most important thing.

Date Night Ideas

Reading this, you might be thinking that this just sounds like another chore for your to-do list.

But it’s important to keep in mind why you’re putting in the effort in the first place: for you, and to spend time with someone you love.

Fortunately, it doesn’t have to be a lot of work; and a little effort goes a long way.

Try and discuss things that you both might enjoy doing. If you share a passion, or want to try something new, taking a class together might be a great idea.

If money is tight, time is tight, or both!… All it takes is a little creativity to make anywhere and anytime special.

Here are a few simple ideas for date nights you can try:

  • Leave small clues around the house for a mystery date, maybe to a location that’s important to you. It can even be at home! And if you’re going to leave scraps of paper around, then maybe even some homemade coupons for back rubs could make a good addition.
  • Put the kids to bed early. Take out some scented candles. Cook something simple, or maybe order in, and enjoy a candlelight dinner with each other.
  • Hop in the car, pick a direction and distance, and just drive. When you get to the mile marker, find the closest restaurant and grab some food at a new place. Perfect for when no one knows what to eat.
  • Arrange a games night with your partner, order some pizza, and have some drinks. Date night doesn’t have to be fancy to be romantic and special. Sometimes the thought really does count.

Date Nights Help Relationships

Sometimes there’s a difference between dating someone and going on dates with them.

The more you make time for your partner, the more your relationship will benefit, and the stronger it will become. Do things you both enjoy. Even if energy and motivation is lacking, the schedule is too busy, or money is too tight, there will always be a way to enjoy a special moment with your special person.

Just the thought and sight of you going out of your way to make a moment special, that’s what makes a moment special.