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Random Acts of Kindness

Random Acts of Kindness

Random Acts of Kindness

When we generally think of random acts of kindness, we tend to think of the selfless acts that someone has done for us. Some may not realize it, but the little things you do for your partner are actually good for yourself.

When you care about someone, seeing them happy makes you happy. Surprising kind gestures also strengthen your bond with your partner.

Experiencing and witnessing kindness doesn’t just make you feel good emotionally, acts of kindness carry various health benefits due to the happy chemicals your brain releases. Putting your partner first, and doing small things to make them happy improve the dynamics of your relationship.

Acts of kindness don’t need to be extravagant or expensive to be effective. Just seeing your partner put in effort to making you feel good can strengthen your bond. A few, small, kind gestures can make your partner immensely happy, because it shows that you’re thinking of them.

Need some ideas for random acts of kindness? Look no further!

Leave Cute and Romantic Notes

Leaving your partner a few cute notes where they can find them randomly is more powerful than you might think. Slip a post-it note into their favorite book, their lunch, or in other spots where they can find them. Write a sweet message on it. They will likely end up reading it when they least expect it, and even one note can brighten up your partner’s day.

Buy Them Coffee

If your partner has a specific coffee shop they love going to, grab them a coffee on their way to work, or even sending one to their work via a food deliver app. You can do this for any cafe or restaurant they love, and is a sure way to give them a happy surprise.

Turn Off Your Phone

We live in an age where everybody is on their phone all the time. So giving your partner attention without tech distractions is a big gesture.

Put your phone away the next time you’re together during dinner, and watch the conversations unfold!

Help Them Handle Their To-Do List

If you know that your partner has a lot on their plate, or they’re juggling a lot of tasks, offer to help them out.

You may not be able to help with everything, but even grabbing some groceries so they don’t have to, or running to the dry cleaner for them, will be very appreciated. And the less time they have to spend on their to-do list, the more time they have to enjoy it with you.

Fill Up Their Gas Tank

Especially with gas prices always on the rise, a surprise tank of gas is always an appreciated gesture.

Ask to borrow their car (even if you don’t need it) and surprise them by filling up the tank on the way home. This is a simple gesture to make, but is extremely thoughtful.

If you leave a cute note on the steering wheel, it can be the cherry on top.

Send Them a Random Cute Text

Sometimes even a short text can mean the world, if it’s coming from someone we care about.

Remind your partner how much they mean to you with a simple text message during their work day. If you don’t normally do it, a simple “good morning :)” text can be great to wake up to.

And if they’re having a particularly bad day, hearing from you may be just the thing to turn it around.

Buy Their Favorite Snacks

Never underestimate the power of food.

Stock up on your partner’s favorite snacks and drinks at your place so you can surprise them at any spontaneous time. Movie or game nights will be even better when favorite snacks enter the picture.

If you two live together, you can pick out a specialty item that they love and bring it home. It’s a small but very thoughtful gesture that can make them appreciated.

Take Part In Their Favorite Activities

No two people have exactly the same tastes, and that’s okay.

What’s important is that you take the time to support and celebrate your partner’s hobbies and interests. This can be in the form of supportive words, but it’s even better to try it with them.

Don’t worry about not being good at it or if it isn’t your favorite thing in the world, what’s most important is that you’re doing the activity together.

Let Them Choose the Movie

Movie nights are the classic relaxing night in, but sometimes it feels like deciding what to watch is almost as long as the movie itself!

If they have a movie they want to watch, watch it together. Even if it’s not a movie you’d typically watch alone, they’ll be happy they get to share this experience with you.

Small Acts of Kindness… BIG Payoff

Doing these small acts of kindness might not be a huge deal for you, but they can make a world of difference for your partner.

Most partners know that you love them, but sometimes it’s good to show them that you care. The beauty of random acts of kindness is that they don’t need to be grand, and sometimes it really is the thought that counts.